MAPS - the UGent periodical studies research group study day on digitization

Interested in working with digital archives, digitising primary sources, or using digital tools for your research? MAPS, the UGent periodical studies research group, is organising a half-day seminar on digitisation and digital research on 18 June at UGent. Whether you’re passionate about periodicals, newspapers, or any other aspect of cultural heritage, join us to hear more about current trends in digitisation and how Ghent University Library and GhentCDH can support your research. Registration link:

9:00 Welcome
9:10-10:00 Digitisation at UGent (Ghent University Library)
10:00-10:30 Researchers’ stories: Digitising La Russie illustrée (Ben Dhooge, Languages and Cultures) & Researching Italian women’s periodicals (Eline Batsleer, Literary Studies)
10:30-11:00 Break
11:00-11:45 Digital tools and DH support (GhentCDH)
11:45-12:30 Digital storytelling with IIIF (Marianne Van Remoortel, Literary Studies)
12:30 Lunch