Dr. Joren Six is a postdoctoral research fellow at IPEM, a Ghent University research institute for systematic musicology. He holds a MA in Computer Science and a PhD in Musicology. His research is situated in the fields of Music Informatics, Music Information Retrieval and Computational Ethnomusicology.
His PhD explored the interplay of music research and computational methods: Engineering systematic musicology: methods and services for computational and empirical music research
After his PhD defense, early 2018, Joren remained at IPEM as post-doc involved in several projects: an European project (Horizon 2020) involving music instrument teaching and robotics: CONBOTS, a valorization project together with the sports science department of UGent (Nano4 sports. Now most of his time is spent on a three year Digital Humanities project: PaPiOM: Patterns in Pitch organization in music, a BOF – UGhent funded mandate.