The Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) houses an enormous collection of historical popular press magazines (similar to today’s Cosmopolitan, Time or Dag Allemaal). However, getting an overview of the contents of the whole corpus would be almost impossible if done manually. Current knowledge about these sources is based on qualitative research with narrow scopes to make the research feasible to do by hand.
We are delighted to announce that researcher Laura Brannan Fretwell from the Roy Rosenzweig Centre for History and New Media will give a presentation "Teaching Digital Tools Transnationally: Tropy and Omeka S in the Undergraduate Classroom” at the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities.
When? 3 December 2024, 10 - 12am. UFO Building, History Department, 3rd Floor, Malpertuis.
No registration required.
Op 26 november 2024 organiseert het Artemis-project zijn officiële kick-off in de belvédère van de Boekentoren in Gent. Het event biedt een uniek onderzoeks- en netwerkforum voor iedereen die werkt met (historische) ecologische data. Dit is dé kans om kennis te maken met het project en om in contact te komen met vakgenoten uit verschillende sectoren.