Workshop: Digital Tools for Ancient Historians

Digital Tools for Ancient Historians

On Friday 8 December 2017, the Roman Society Research Centre with the support of the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, will organise a one day workshop on Digital Tools for Ancient Historians. This event, organised by Prof. dr. Koen Verboven, will take place at Ghent University, Campus Tweekerken, Hoveniersberg 24 (Room 1.3 'Fernand Rogiers').

Further details of the workshop, including the full programme and abstracts, are available on the workshop website.


10:00 Tom Gheldof (KULeuven), Trismegistos: an identification and research tool for Ancient World texts
10:45 Alberto Dalla Rossa (U.Bordeaux Montaigne), Atlas patrimonii Caesaris. Building a digital database for the study of the geography and the economy of the imperial properties in the Roman world
11:30 Coffee/tea break
11:45 Koenraad Verboven (Ghent University), Ghent Database of Roman Guilds and Occupation Based Communities
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Onno Van Nijf & Cristina Willemen (RUGroningen), Connected Contests: an online database and a network approach to ancient festivals
14:45 Kai Ruffing (U.Kassel), Yields, Seasonality and Labor Force in Roman Agriculture
15:30 Coffee/tea break
15:45 Maria Conterno (Ghent University), Clavis Historicorum Tardae Antiquitatis. The Database of the ERC-project "Memory of Empire"
16:30 Lieve Van Hoof (Ghent University), Ancient Letters & Social Network Analysis
Feedback, advice, and reflection: Pieterjan De Potter (GhentCDH)