On 8 - 9 September 2017, the Amsab-Institute of Social History, together with Ghent University, are hosting the international conference 'Digital Dreams: Information Technology, Social History Research and the Future of Archives, Museums and Libraries'.
The conference will take place at De Krook, the new cutting edge city library of Ghent, and is being organized by IALHI-International Association of Labour History Institutions and Worklab-International Association of Labour Museums, with the support of ITH-International Conference of Labour and Social History and ELHN-European Labour History Network.
We are looking for papers and presentations on the effects of the use of computers and information technology on the future of archives, museums and digital humanities. Dream or nightmare to come?
Further information and the full Call for Papers is available at: http://www.amsab.be/ialhi2017
Proposals can be sent to ialhi2017@amsab.be before the end of June.