CLARIN ANNUAL CONFERENCE, 15-17 October 2024, Barcelona

The CLARIN Annual Conference is the main annual event for those working on the construction and operation of CLARIN across Europe, as well as for representatives of the communities of use in the humanities and social sciences.

CLARIN2024 is organised for the wider humanities and social sciences communities in order to exchange ideas and experiences within the CLARIN infrastructure. This includes the design, construction and operation of the CLARIN infrastructure, the data, tools and services that it contains or for which there is a need, its actual use by researchers and teachers, its relation to other infrastructures and projects, and the CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure.

CLARIN welcomes authors of accepted papers, members of national consortia and representatives of CLARIN centres, representatives from partner organisations, and many others who are interested in becoming part of the CLARIN community.

The 2024 CLARIN Annual Conference will take place as a hybrid event. Virtual attendance will be open to the wider public. Registration is not yet open.

Call for Abstracts: CLARIN Annual Conference 2024, Submission deadline: 12 April 2024.

CLARIN is pleased to announce the CLARIN Annual Conference 2024 and calls for the submission of extended abstracts. CLARIN is the European research infrastructure that makes digital language resources available to scholars, researchers, students and citizen scientists from a wide range of disciplines, coordinates the collection of language resources and tools, and offers advanced tools to explore, exploit, annotate, analyse or combine such datasets, regardless of their location.  New in this year's call is the topic of Education and Training with CLARIN Tools.