From 31 March to 31 May, the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities will be organising a doctoral specialist course to introduce humanities PhD students to the methods and approaches in Digital Humanities. The course is free for all Belgian PhD students within arts and humanities.
Programme + registration: click here
Topic and Aim
The aim of this specialist course is to make the researchers fully aware of different opportunities, applications and approaches that DH offers. The course will explore a range of digital approaches to research within the arts and humanities, in a bid to familiarise emerging doctoral students with the possibilities digital humanities offers their research. This course is not only intended as a survey of the state of the field. It also aims to promote high quality digital humanities research by creating an interactive forum at which beginning doctoral students will explore the suitability of digital methods for their research. Internationally renowned experts will lead toolbox sessions, highlighting the possibilities of various tools, methodologies and practices for the students’ research. Additionally, an online collaborative bibliography will be established to provide background reading for the programme to which, students will also actively contribute to. Throughout the course, doctoral students will learn how to use a range of social media technologies to improve their scientific communication skills, including capturing their experiences in a guest blog post on the GhentCDH website, as well as engaging with the international digital humanities community via Twitter.
Learning objectives
The overall aim of this specialist course is to introduce doctoral students to the range of opportunities, applications and approaches that digital humanities can offer for facilitating and enhancing their research. By the end of this specialist course, doctoral students will be able to:
● Demonstrate a broad understanding of the diverse field of digital humanities
● Critically assess whether and in what ways, digital humanities tools, methods and approaches could be beneficial for their PhD research
● Improve their scholarly communication skills using web-based tools, such as blogs and twitter
● Co-organise a doctoral symposium on digital humanities
● Present their conclusions about the applicability of digital humanities for their own doctoral research at the doctoral symposium
Evaluation criteria (Doctoral Training Programme)
By the end of the specialist course, participants will be expected:
● To actively participate in each of the 5 ‘introduction to digital humanities’ sessions plus 2 of the specialist ‘digital toolbox’ sessions
● To contribute at least three resources to the collaborative digital humanities bibliography
● To publish at least one blog post (of ca. 500 words) to communicate about their scholarly experiences with digital humanities
● To have used twitter for scholarly communication about their PhD research and / or digital humanities
● To have actively contributed to the co-organisation of the doctoral symposium
● To have presented their conclusions on the applicability of digital humanities for their PhD research at the doctoral symposium
Organising Committee
• Joke Daems (coordination), Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities & Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication (
• Sally Chambers, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities (
• Jasper Schelstraete, Department of Literature (
• Gunther Martens, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities & Department of Literature (
• Christophe Verbruggen, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities & Department of History (
• Piraye Hacigüzeller, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities & Department of Archeology (
• Hans Blomme, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities & Department of History (
• Marianne Van Remoortel, Department of Literature (
• Thorsten Ries, Department of Literature (