From 25-28 April 2016, a workshop on 'Managing Historical Data in MS Access' will take place at the Etterbeek Campus of the Vrije Universiteit, Brussel.
The workshop is a training course full of tips and tricks for collecting and analysing historical data in a Microsoft Access database. This unique workshop will tackle specific database problems concerning historical data: different spellings of proper names, missing data, managing chronology, variations in currency systems etc.
The workshop is divided into two parts: a beginners course (taking place on Monday and Tuesday 25-26 April) will introduce the key elements to design a basic but ‘bulletproof’ database as a research tool. A subsequent b (taking place on Wednesday and Thursday 27-28 April) will concentrate on the possibilities of Access for analysis of historical data and will address specific research issues. The latter also includes ‘clinics’ for specific problems, difficulties or issues with Access which individual participants encountered in their own research. Each course is capped off by a guest lecture open to all.
The lecturer for both courses is dr. Mark Merry, affiliated with the Institute of Historical Research at the University of London. He has about ten years of experience with developing relation databases for projects with historical data and is also the lecturer of the famous courses “Databases for Historians I and II” in London.
Who can apply and what are the costs?
The workshop is open to PhD-students, postdoctoral researchers and senior researchers working with historical data. Please note that places are limited to 25 participants in the beginners course and 25 participants in the advanced course. In each course there are 5 slots reserved per participating university (KU Leuven, UAntwerpen, UGent and VUB).
A small fee of € 20 per participant per course covers the cost of copies, coffee breaks and a sandwich lunch at noon each day. Tuition itself is free, thanks to generous funding from Digital Humanities Flanders, the Flemish Government’s OJO (“Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers”), and additional support by various institutions.
How to apply?
Please fill in the registration form at
Registrations will be possible starting of the 23rd March at 9:00 AM. Your attendance will be determined on a first come, first served basis. Although you can apply for both courses, priority for the advanced session will be given to candidates only applying for the advanced course. Once all spots are filled, registration will be closed and confirmations will be sent. Please note that sufficient proficiency with Access is obliged when applying for the advanced course!
The deadline for application is Sunday 10th April 2016.
Please refer to this pdf for further information.