Vacancies for PhD-candidates and scientific collaborator

For the project “Transnational Intellectual Cooperation (TIC) Belgium” (more information see: TIC Belgium) we are currently looking for three PhD-students and one scientific collaborator.

Click here for the official website of TIC-Collaborative!
Project description:  The transnational dynamics of social and legal reform, 1815-1914

Building on the latest innovations in digital humanities, network analysis, and elaborating a newly developed Virtual Research Environment for the study of international organizations, this project opens new perspectives on the history of social reform in the period 1815-1914, with a special emphasis on the Low Countries. The project shows the ways in which local and national welfare policies and legal regimes emerged in this period and demonstrates that such innovations were deeply embedded in transnational networks. Within this broader context, it focuses on the involvement of reformers from the Low Countries, and highlights their activities at home and abroad. The overall aim of the project is to demonstrate the interconnectedness of local activism, national reform agendas and the transnational circulation of ideas and practices related to welfare and legal reform, and to make an empirical contribution to the understanding of the transnational field of social and legal reform as both a social and discursive field. We aim to demonstrate this, firstly, by looking at the range and relative strength of domestic, national and transnational ties of a carefully selected focus group and secondly, by examining the framing of issues and ‘mental maps’ of the reformers in question, as these can be gleaned from reform discourses on social an legal change from the 19th century to the First World War.

The project is divided into four interrelated subprojects:

  • PhD 1 en PhD 2 (Ghent University- Maastricht University): Networks of rooted cosmopolitans in the Low Countries (1815-1914)
  • PhD 3 (Université Catholique Louvain): The international intellectual background of socio-legal reforms in Belgium: dynamics of success and failure. Prosopography, power positions and publications
  • (Not vacant) PhD 4 (Université Libre de Bruxelles): Applying Linked Data principles in historical research
  • Development of the Virtual Research Environment (Ghent University), archives inventory, coordination digitization and document processing (State Archives)

Project partners:

  • Ghent University, research Unit Social History since 1750 / Ghent Center for Digital Humanities (coordination, prof.dr. Christophe Verbruggen)
  • Maastricht University (prof. dr. Nico Randeraad)
  • Université Catholique Louvain, Centre d’histoire du droit et de la justice (prof. dr. Xavier Rousseaux)
  • Université libre de Bruxelles, ReSIC- Research Center in Information and Communication (prof. dr. Seth Van Hooland)
  • State Archives (prof. dr. Karel Velle)

This project is a BELSPO funded Brain-be project (Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks).

Job profile

  • The successful candidate has a background in historical studies: a Master’s degree in History or a Master’s degree with demonstrable interest in historical research. A degree in Library, Archival or Information sciences is an asset for candidates interested in the position of scientific collaborator at the State Archives)
  • The candidate is able to function in an interdisciplinary environment
  • The candidate has experience with digital humanities / digital history
  • The candidate has excellent proficiency in English. The candidate also has good knowledge of French and Dutch, or is willing to gain passive working knowledge of these languages
  • The candidate is an enthusiastic and inventive team player

Our offer:

  • Three fully paid PhD-fellowships (4 years) at Ghent University, Maastricht University or Université Catholique Louvain and a position as scientific collaborator (2 years) at the State Archives in Brussels. Appointments will be made according to local employment conditions.
  • The ability to attend summer-courses and to receive specialised training
  • Enrolment in the respective Graduate Schools / Doctoral Schools
  • Funds for research-related expenses, use of a PC and office space
  • The opportunity to work in a stimulating federal and international research environment

Starting date: from 1 February 2014

How to apply:  Any additional information can be obtained by contacting one of the project partners. Send (by email) your C.V., a one page motivation letter explaining your interest and (not necessary) preferred home university or job preference, before December 17 2013, to: christophe.verbruggen@ugent.beand

Successful candidates will be notified and asked to provide a research statement of 1500 words. Interviews are likely to be held on January 8.