
The Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities (GhentCDH) engages in the field of ‘Digital Humanities’ at Ghent University, ranging from archaeology and geography to linguistics and cultural studies. It develops DH collaboration and supports research projects, teaching activities and infrastructure projects across the faculties.

  • Digital heritage

    The GhentCDH offers support in regards to digital heritage, participation and virtual expositions. GhentCDH helps researchers, teachers and students to create, manage and enrich their own digital collections and set up virtual exhibitions around them. 

  • Geospatial analysis

    The GhentCDH offers advice, support and training regarding geospatial data management, analysis and visualisation to the humanities and social sciences researchers at the Ghent University.

  • Digital text analysis

    The GhentCDH aims to improve digital text analysis at Ghent University by offering support and information to researchers. You can contact us for advice on TEI and digital editions, working with digital text analysis tools, and using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis.

  • Collaborative databases

    The GhentCDH offers advice and support for collaborative databases at Ghent University. It helps researchers to develop a database instance, powered by e.g. Nodegoat. It provides advice regarding data standards and linked data.


CUNE-IIIF-ORM Web Viewer Demo

Cune-iiif-orm demo view of a cuneiform tablet, transliteration, translation, and metadata.

Digital Humanities Internship Experience

I recently completed my internship at GhentCDH in the spring of 2024. In this blogpost I want to reflect on my experience, activities and lessons learned. 

Bent u geschiedenisleraar eerste jaar? Help ons via een kort interview!

Het project Cune-IIIF-orm heeft als doel de rijke geschiedenis van Mesopotamië en het bijbehorende erfgoed toegankelijk te maken voor een breed publiek via een digitale wetenschappelijke editie en een virtuele tentoonstelling, ondersteund door pop-up tentoonstellingen. We willen hierbij diverse doelgroepen betrekken. Om dit project succesvol vorm te geven, zoeken we naar belanghebbenden die bereid zijn om deel te nemen aan een interview. Hierbij richten we ons in de eerste plaats op geschiedenisdocenten die lesgeven in het eerste jaar.

Tree sitter

Student developers at GhentCDH: MediaWiki parsing and migration

QGIS logo

Workshop QGIS

Text annotator component

Student developers at GhentCDH: DevOps and Text Annotation Component Development

Educational projects at GhentCDH (2023-2024)

"Blurry Event Shot - People" by manuel_flave is marked with CC0 1.0

Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands Conference (CLIN 34)

Spatial visialization of guilds

Spatial Humanities 2024 Conference

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