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"Blurry Event Shot - People" by manuel_flave is marked with CC0 1.0

Digital Humanities Virtual Discussion Group for Early Career Researchers in BE: December

"Blurry Event Shot - People" by manuel_flave is marked with CC0 1.0

Digital Humanities Virtual Discussion Group for Early Career Researchers in BE: November

"Blurry Event Shot - People" by manuel_flave is marked with CC0 1.0

Digital Humanities Virtual Discussion Group for Early Career Researchers in BE: October

KBR Entrance, KBR

KBR-ULB-UGent Digital Heritage Seminar: Belgian Expansionism in Egypt

KBR Entrance, KBR

KBR-ULB-UGent Digital Heritage Seminar:  From library catalogue to historical network

KBR Entrance, KBR

KBR-ULB-UGent Digital Heritage Seminar: Network Analysis and Archaeological Objects

Spatial Humanities 2022

"Blurry Event Shot - People" by manuel_flave is marked with CC0 1.0

OCCAM Webinar

CRIME SCENES. Interbelluminterieurs door de lens van de forensische fotografie. Expo vandenhove. Omeka S.

CRIME SCENES - Vandenhove exposition powered by Omeka S