The Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities is delighted to welcome you to the final symposium of our Doctoral School's Programme Loading: Methods and Approaches in Digital Humanities which ran from March to September 2017. This final symposium is intended for the doctoral student's to present their conclusions about the applicability of digital humanities for their own doctoral research. Furthermore, we warmly welcome Dr. Berenike Hermann from the Digital Humanities Lab at the University of Basel as the Keynote speaker for the symposium.
The symposium will take place on Thursday 28 September (13:00 - 18:00) in the Library Lab, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Rozier 44, 9000 Ghent.
13:00 - 14:15 Welcome and Keynote Lecture
- Welcome - Sally Chambers, Ghent Centre for Digital Humanites
- WYSIWYG? Getting behind the scenes of Digital Humanities research - an opening keynote by Dr. Berenike Herrmann, Digital Humanities Lab, University of Basel
14:15 - 14:30 Coffee
14:30 - 15:45 Research Case Studies I
- Behind the Magic: using Word2Vec and Topic Modelling to analyse the Grimm Fairy Tales - Ellen Vanderstraeten, University of Antwerp
- 100 Years of Dystopian Novels: A Computational Literary Analysis of Core Primitives - Melina Jander, University of Göttingen
- Discourses in big data – can we get them out? - Thomas Jacobs, University of Ghent
- Who Minds the Text Miners? - River Ramuglia, University of Ghent
15:45 - 16:00 Coffee
16:00 - 17:00 Research Case Studies II
- La Russie numérisée: Developing an online database for the research project on the Russian émigré newsmagazine La Russie illustrée - Phaedra Claeys, University of Ghent
- From Women’s Magazines to Instagram: A qualitative analysis of photographic representations of femininity in the age of self-representation - Sofia Caldeira, University of Ghent
- The Making of “Markers and Makers”: Finding a Balance - Leah Budke, University of Ghent
17:00 - 17:15 Closing Remarks
- Dr. Jasper Schelstraete, Ghent University and Dr. Berenike Hermann, University of Basel
17:15 - 18:00 Reception